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Home > Community Groups

"Making disciples who love Jesus and love people."

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Our focus on Community Groups is to be centered around intentional and relational disciple making. Our goal is to reach the world for Jesus Christ one person at a time, and making biblical disciples in relational environments is the model and method Jesus gives us to do just that! Biblical discipleship and spiritual growth happen best in-and-through intentional relationships. Our Community Groups are where we connect and grow in relationship with God and with others as we do life together, growing in spiritual maturity as disciples of Jesus.



Relational Small Groups

    For Adults of All Ages

    Various Meeting Times

    We believe that God created us to live in relationship with others. Small Groups are how we do life and discipleship together. These mini-gatherings meet in a variety of settings throughout the week.  

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    Sunday School + Electives

      For Adults of All Ages

      Sunday Mornings

      Sunday School and Electives are for all ages and meet on Sunday mornings at WakyMC.  Electives are short-run classes on Sunday mornings. They run for 6-8 weeks and focus on specific topics of study.  

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      College & Young Adults 

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      Young Adult Ministry (Ages 18-25)

      Sundays @ 10:30AM (Beginning Sept. 10th)

      College & Young Adults at WakyMC is a community (ages 18-25) who strive to be fully committed to loving Jesus and serving others! We meet on Sunday mornings to engage relationally, study our Bibles, pray for one another, and connect in uplifting ways.  Relational discipleship is our goal.  Consider joining us if you find yourself in this stage of life!



        Moms of Tots to Teens

        Registration Opens in August

        Join us Thursday mornings for MOTTTS (Moms of Tots to Teens)!  Keep an eye out for specific dates. We desire to support each other, pray for one another, and study the Bible together. Each season has a specific study related to growing spiritually as an individual, in marriage, and as a mother. Childcare is available!

        WED NIGHTS
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