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Drivers and Passengers

Updated: Jan 9

As we enter 2024 many of us make resolutions to do better, commit to change, and desire to put the past behind us. The question is: Why is it so hard to keep resolutions?

Research has found that on the average only about 38% of people make New Year's resolutions each year, but the reality is only 9% of people stick to them all year long. And it is no surprise that Friday is the most popular day goal-setters drop their resolution.

The truth is we all know that to do better and commit to change its more than setting a's putting into practice the daily choices to make that goal a reality. What if it was as simple as becoming a driver in your life rather than a passenger? Let's explore the habitude of Drivers and Passengers and how this can help us "leap" into 2024. (Yes, 2024 is a leap year!)

Tim Elmore has developed a entire series of leadership habitudes that are a staple in my reading and reference library. Habitudes are simply attitudes that become habits that help us lead ourselves and lead others well. These are great references for us all us, but especially for parents and families. Habitudes: Images that form Leadership Habits and Attitudes can be found on Amazon or RIGHT NOW MEDIA.

Let's start with a definition of what we mean when we say drivers and passengers.

Passengers: When life goes bad, they blame someone else for the problem.

Drivers: Realize they are drivers -- and are responsible for their attitudes and destination in life.

Being a driver is taking responsibility and owning your actions and attitudes. Individuals who choose not to take responsibility for their actions become victims of the circumstances and situations around them and become passengers in life. Let's talk through three ways we can start moving into the drivers seat of our life and take responsibility.

#1: Our Mindset

Drivers choose to have positive attitudes and direct their perspective on life. Philippians 4:4-9 is one of my favorite passages on mindset. The truth remains the same: our thoughts determine our attitude, mood, and behavior. We often hear that right thinking results in right living, I want to add it also adds peace of mind. Peace that passes all understanding! The key is controlling how and what we think. 2024 holds a lot of unknowns and twists and turns, but fixing our thoughts and having the proper mindset will empower us to handle what is ahead on this journey of life.

#2: Our Fortitude

Another characteristic of a Driver is they consistently exhibit persistent fortitude. Fortitude is our determination in response to tough situations and circumstances. It is a mental and emotional strength to persevere in the face of adversity, challenges, or pain. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 addresses fortitude in this simple way: Don't give up, our troubles are momentary, keep an eternal perspective! And Paul reminds Timothy in I Timothy 6:11-21 keep doing what is right! Stay true to what you believe, obey, and do this till Jesus comes! We all need to be reminded that being a driver in our life means having the courage to dig deep when struggles and adversity come. We can't avoid troubles in 2024, but we can choose to exhibit persistent fortitude when they block the road.

#3: Our Mistakes

Lastly drivers own their mistakes. When life goes wrong, many people blame others. Drivers are leaders who own up if something goes wrong or they make a mistake. Owning a mistake takes vulnerability and that builds trust. This plays out in big ways and can help our families handle conflict in a healthy way.

We don't have to be perfect, just responsible. - Tim Elmore

A great resolution for 2024 may simply be to be a driver instead of a passenger. To no longer make excuses or blame others when things go wrong. Instead opt to have a positive mindset, choose courage and fortitude to do hard things, and admit that we may make mistakes along the way.

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